Our Impact 2020 – 2021

Children and Young People


Young people given 1-1 support

by our Youth & Play Workers

In the last five years the Trust has taken on a role to deliver youth and play services in Southmead.

We run The Ranch (Southmead Adventure Playground) and the Southmead Youth Centre.

As a whole our sites support an expansive programme of activities for young people and families including after school clubs, Southmead Rugby Club, Predators Gym, holiday activities, stage shows, fun days, and junior Gym membership.


Sessions of detached work

provided across the community

This year we have:

  • Directly supported 45 young people in the community
  • Secured capital investment to facilitate reimagined youth services in Southmead at alternative sites
  • Provided 60 sessions of detached youth work over 12 weeks during the summer holidays
  • Set up new young people’s groups including Xbox live sessions, the Young Men’s Group, and other small groups that met when lockdown restrictions allowed
  • Delivered more than 45 online sessions including arts and crafts, cooking, keep fit and storytelling.  Each session was visited between 110 and 270 times

This year we have:

  • Secured additional funding for holiday activities
  • Provided 31 families with care packages or presents over Christmas
  • Worked with local police to form the ‘Southmead ASB and vandalism working group’ to respond to vandalism
  • Formed part of a programme of teams going out in the evenings to respond to groups of young people congregating at the height of lockdown 2020
  • Established new partnerships to bring new opportunities to Southmead including pioneering children and young peoples’ social prescribing, and mentoring with Families in Focus


Billy's Story

‘Billy’ was referred to the Young Men’s Group as he was suffering with anxiety, isolation and struggling to process returning to full time education after lockdown.  His mum wasn’t sure whether he would attend the group or if he would be too overwhelmed by it.

On his first week he needed to be coaxed out of the car.  He came into the playground with his hood up and very shyly mumbled his name.  He didn’t want his mum to leave so she stayed for a while, eventually sneaking away.

Over the course of that first two hour session we saw Billy change into a different person.  He began to talk to the team and his peers, he played pool and explored the playground.  By the end of the session when his mum arrived to pick him up he didn’t want to leave.

He has grown in confidence every week and is unrecognisable from the young man who first arrived.


Families provided with care packs and presents

during the Christmas period