Climate Action Plan Project
In 2023 we joined the second cohort of community organisations in Bristol’s Community Climate Action Project. The project is pioneering bold and fair community led climate action, demonstrating the important role which communities have in achieving citywide climate and nature goals. This Bristol-wide project is coordinated by Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, and supported by Bristol City Council and the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
A co-produced climate action plan will amplify voices in our community, celebrate and build on the work of existing community groups, and highlight what a fair transition to a climate-resilient city looks like for us here. Tackling the climate and ecological crisis shouldn’t worsen the challenges we already face, we believe it should and can improve people’s quality of life too.
We held 15 events alongside meetings with community groups, schools, and an online questionnaire to build a plan around seven themes: Nature, Food, Waste, Transport, Buildings, Energy, and Green Skills.
The plan launched in March 2024! You can read it on the link above or by clicking HERE. Here at Southmead Development Trust we’re working on how to take some of these ideas forward.

Transforming Energy Together
Transforming Energy Together is part of Bristol’s Mission Net Zero project. We decided to take part because warm homes, affordable energy bills, and community energy were important themes in the Climate Action Plan.
The project focuses on developing robust and investable project ideas for energy and green skills projects. It aims to show the impact of grassroots action rather than top-down solutions.
It is a partnership project between ourselves, Eastside Community Trust, Knowle West Media Centre, Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership, Bristol City Council, Centre for Sustainable Energy, and Bristol Energy Network.
Over the next year we’ll be working with residents and community leaders to understand what the community needs to improve homes, buildings, and streets, reduce energy use and bills, generate renewable energy, and build green skills. We will be building project ideas for our community and demonstrating a model of how to do community-driven climate action which can be used city-wide or beyond. Do keep a look out for opportunities to be involved!

Are you interested in Southmead's Community Climate Action Plan?
I’m Ella, the Climate and Nature Action Coordinator at Southmead Development Trust. I’m coordinating the Transforming Energy Together project and working on other things we’d like to take forward from the plan.
Would you like to share your views for the Transforming Energy Together project?
Do you think you or your community group would like to take forward something from the plan?
Have you heard of opportunities which you might like to collaborate on?
Would you like us to share a climate or nature event you are hosting in Southmead?
I’d love to hear your ideas and where the energy is. Do get in touch on

August 2024
Transforming Energy Together project started. The team starts to coordinate the project and plan engagement to talk to residents and community leaders.
April 2024
Community Climate Action Plans are launched for cohort 2 at the end of April.
February - March 2024
- Data from the community engagement is processed by the project team
- 2 sessions with staff to help form priorities and actions from the data
- 1 evening session with the community to help form priorities and actions from the data
- Peer review session with city-wide expert partners to run through draft priorities and get feedback
- Final priorities and details sent to build the plan
June 2023 - January 2024
- Community survey launched
- Conversation Corner pop up at Southmead Festival
- 5 pop ups on Arnside
- 1 evening Open Doors event at Greenway
- Conversations with Friends of Doncaster Road Park and Embleton Playground, Friends of Badock’s Wood, Team Southmead, Inclusion Southmead, Greenway Walkers, Community Corner groups
- 2 play sessions at The Ranch
- 1 youth session at The Ranch
- 1 session at Little Mead Primary Academy
- 1 session at Badock’s Wood E-ACT Academy
- 1 craftivism session during Winter Celebration Week
- 2 evening Climate Catch Ups at Greenway
- Workshops with the other communities and project partners continue
- Engagement finishes at the end of January
April - June 2023
- Ella meets with the other community organisations and project partners to learn about engagement
- Workshops for the project team start based on each of the plan themes
- Community engagement is planned, including questions for the community survey

We've funded 20 new street trees in Southmead
In autumn 2023, there was a big map in The Mead and at the Greenway Centre. It showed 25 possible planting spots which had been pre-approved by Bristol City Council for street trees. We delivered a copy of The Mead to the houses near those planting spots. Together, we were able to choose our top 20.
These 20 street trees have been planted over the winter, ready for us to enjoy! They each have a tree guard and a watering bag. You may spot them when you’re out and about, or you can click the link to see the map of where they are.
We can all help to look after these new trees. Please take a look at the FAQs below to find out how, along with more details.

Who will water the tree?
Bristol City Council will be responsible for watering the tree. However the Council are looking after trees all over the city and street trees do face a harsh environment. So, in the spring and summer a helping hand with watering is always welcome! To save drinking water you can use washing up water, bathwater, or collected rainwater. Pour it into the watering bag so it gets straight to the trees roots.
Please be careful near the roads if you water street trees.
FIND OUT MORE >What happens if a tree is vandalised or fails?
There is always a risk that a street tree won’t thrive. They have a hard job being planted next to a road. Trees may fail for a number of reasons, including vandalism, vehicle damage, disease, or lack of watering.
Bristol City Council will do their best to replace the tree during the first 2 years after it has been planted, in the unlikely event that it fails to establish and dies. They will replace the tree on one occasion if it is vandalised within the first 2 years of planting.
If anything happens to the tree please contact us at
Can I sponsor a street tree?
Absolutely. Street trees are planted through a partnership between Trees for Streets and Bristol City Council. You can sponsor one yourself or maybe your street want to club together and share the cost. You can choose whether to take on the watering yourself or if you’d like the Council to do it.
You can find out more about Bristol’s street tree planting scheme by clicking the link.
FIND OUT MORE >Why are we funding street trees?
We know that trees are important to our community. We’ve heard that the trees along Greystoke Avenue are a favourite feature of the neighbourhood. Planting trees is also a good way to take positive action for our planet.
Street trees also have a positive impact on wildlife and ourselves. They provide wildlife with food and shelter, keep us cool when the weather gets hot, reduce flooding, and absorb air pollution and carbon dioxide. They can also have a positive impact on our mental health. Spending time amongst trees can lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Research suggests that if children can see trees in their daily lives, then they have early opportunities to connect with nature, and it supports their brain development and wellbeing. Trees are amazing.
Read Our Climate Action News

Bring Your Broken Bits to Southmead Repair Cafe This Saturday 29th March
Read more >
International Women’s Day in Southmead: Thursday 6th March
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Good Mud: Getting Messy at The Ranch!
Read more >