Glencoyne Square Community-led Housing Project

The Glencoyne Square Community Led Housing project is one of the biggest community led housing schemes in the UK.

The plans are for up to 187 flats with a ground floor extension of Arnside Road providing space for businesses and community activities and services. The project is being led by us, Southmead Development Trust, and supported by a group of residents and Trustees.

This residents group, the Arnside and Glencoyne Regeneration Project (AGRP), have been involved since Southmead’s Community Plan in 2015. The plan highlighted the need to diversify the housing in the area so there were smaller homes available. We’re keeping sustainability in mind. The homes will be well insulated, heated by Air Source Heat Pumps increasing their energy efficiency, and we are planting more trees and wildlife-friendly plants.

News and Updates

March: What Residents Think About Arnside & Glencoyne Square

Read more >

February: Getting Closer to New Homes – Update for Glencoyne Square

Read more >

January 2025: New Glencoyne Plans Already Submitted

Read more >

January 2025: Levelling Up On Glencoyne Square

Read more >

Updated Design Proposals 2022

Due to impacts of the pandemic and escalating building costs and some changes in requirements for community space, it was necessary to revise the designs for the scheme. From 31 March 2022 – 18 April 2022, we ran an online survey to gather views on proposed changes. The architects Nash Partnership have drawn up the revised designs and we held a community drop in on April 28th 2022.

You can download the document with the updated designs below.

Download > Updated Design Proposals

The story so far

How does a group of residents go from door-knocking to shaping one of the biggest community-led regeneration schemes in the UK?

Southmead’s Community Plan was the result of 900 survey responses in 2015. Residents were determined to see investment and positive change in the community they love.

The development of the Southmead Community Plan led to a regeneration ‘Masterplan’ in 2018.

On September 20th 2019 the planning application was submitted for Phase One of the Masterplan – delivering 120 homes, new community facilities, and improved public open space on Southmead’s Glencoyne Square.

Want to know more about the Masterplan? You can dip into and download the report and the appendices below.


Download > Masterplan Report

Download > Masterplan Report Summary

Download > Masterplan Appendices


Community Involvement

“The community is clearly in the driving seat” commented Sue Manns, president of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Community involvement has always been the defining feature of this project. Residents took part in architect selection. Over 100 people attended the showcase of the Masterplan. We have held over 40 events at local places such as the library, youth centre and with community groups. Residents have fed back to the architects on design, from the style of the buildings to the colour of the materials. Consultation with residents will continue on other elements like the open spaces and Local Lettings Plan.

Arnside and Glencoyne Regeneration Project (AGRP)

“We had a dream to make a better future for Southmead. It’s been 5 years of meeting once a month, with a desire, a burning ambition to do something.”
The words of Deana Perry, life-long Southmead resident, sums up the commitment of the AGRP. The AGRP is a group of local residents, councillors and stakeholders, like ourselves, who meet monthly to steer the project, providing a local voice. They’ve been motivated since the Community Plan was published to see improvements to Arnside Road and develop appropriate housing options for local people.