A sunny Friday in Southmead – a local resident’s point of view

August 7th 2020


It’s 5 months into the pandemic and I haven’t seen my fellow Southmead residents of the AGRP, in person, since February.

Not everyone knows that the Regeneration Project for Southmead is still progressing in the background. It’s been a challenging time for everyone but we have not given up! In order to update the community on the regeneration plans and invite more people to get involved with shaping our neighbourhood, we planned a community engagement day. The Council were also gathering ideas for the artwork which will be on the new benches.



We were blessed with the weather. On a beautiful, sunny Friday morning, we gathered (distantly because of Covid!) on Arnside Road with a few members of the local steering group, residents, volunteers, Southmead Development Trust employees and Bristol City Council representatives.

While, we were grappling with the gazebo, our lovely representatives from Bristol City Council spray painted the development areas including the shape of proposed benches and planters.












We spoke to around 50 residents. Seeing all of these people who were happy to share their ideas (like the beautiful one you can see below), comment and ask multiple questions about the Regeneration Project, reassured me that we are part of a strong community. We all have different opinions and experience various circumstances but together, we have a chance and power to recover and create a new resilient community.



I would like to thank everyone who has stopped by, spoke to us and shared their opinions and ideas. I hope it was as beautiful and satisfying day for you as it was for the Regeneration team and other numerous groups involved.

See you all again soon 🙂


Maria is a local resident and member of the AGRP, the resident led steering group for Southmead Regeneration.


Did you see the yellow markings on Arnside and want to find out more? Click here for the latest update from Bristol City Council

If you’re interested in the Southmead Regeneration plans, click here to find out more