Transforming Energy Together in Southmead

The year is 2030 (sounds like a long time away but it is only six years!) and the community has taken action to improve the environment, make homes comfy and affordable, lower the carbon emissions, and make streets greener.
Can you picture this? What does your street look like? How do you power your home and is it cheaper now? Are there more trees on your street? Have you retrained or got a new job? What do you want to study at college? Can you fix things at home yourself? What information was helpful to you to make changes?
These are all questions we would like to explore as part of the new Transforming Energy Together project. The project runs until end of October 2025 and we want to work with residents to build on Southmead’s Climate Action Plan and create new energy and homes projects in Southmead which can attract investment to make them happen.
We are working with two other community organisations, Eastside Community Trust and Knowle West Media Centre, to talk with our communities and build detailed project ideas which generate renewable energy, reduce energy use and costs, and make our spaces more comfortable. The aim of the project is to support Southmead to tackle climate change in a way that cuts energy bills, improves homes, and creates new job and training opportunities for residents. A move to a greener future needs to be fair and good for everyone with every community included.
We will be running events and getting in touch to talk with residents soon, so please keep a look out for ways to be involved.
If you have any questions in the mean time, do get in touch with me, Ella Tainton, Climate and Nature Action Coordinator, on tel: 0117 950 3335 or email:
To read more about our Climate Action Plan click HERE