November 2024: Is Glencoyne Still Happening?

When we are out and about in the community residents often ask us if the Glencoyne project is still happening because they cannot see anything going on. The answer is a big yes! As a team we are in full swing to bring the plans to life on Glencoyne for up to 187 new homes.
The last three months have been all about design and detail. We have regular meetings with our professional partners, and so that everyone from different places can easily attend we often meet online (in the pic above).
Our partners are carefully selected to work well alongside our community, such as architects Nash Partnership who are award winners in working on community led projects. Some of the work that they have been doing in the last few months has been to develop designs to make sure the buildings are fully accessible following advice we received from the West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL) who many of our residents know. Nash have also been developing the design of the community spaces on the ground floor where, for example, the new Southmead Library is going to be.
Designers Vida have been designing utilities and services such as water, electricity, and communication systems like phone and internet lines. Structural engineers Craddys have been designing drainage and working to ensure the building can withstand the pressures of use and its environment.
All our consultants are in frequent touch with fire safety engineers at FCS Live who have designed a fire safety strategy for the site, as well as with Churchman Thornhill Finch who made the detailed designs of the courtyards and public areas after community consultations with residents in May and June this year.
The consultants from RPA Group have been costing out the plans so our Consultant Stuart Larkin and Associates can make sure building costs stay in line with our budget and the project can be financially possible. Ryan and Sam from Sol Environment are helping us to make sure our buildings have a high level of environmental sustainability.
The work behind the scenes never stops and if you check back we will keep publishing updates about any steps, however small, towards the future of Glencoyne.
In the picture here of our latest meeting is Paul from Nash, Tom from Vida, Joe from Craddys, David from RPA, Ryan and Sam from Sol Environment, project Consultant Stuart Larkin, and Project Coordinator Ceci Casadio.
If you would like to know any more about the professional organisations who are helping to bring the fantastic community led housing project to Southmead, or the progress being made, please read more on these pages. If your questions are not answered here, do get in touch.