Southmead masterplan displays: A success!

Over the weekend Southmead Development Trust (SDT) hosted two events showcasing the new masterplan for the area. With over 100 people in attendance, the response was overwhelmingly positive with 80% of people agreeing / strongly agreeing that the proposals were a positive improvement for the neighbourhood.

It was great to hear how excited people were with the plans and many of those who came with concerns, came away happy, feeling as though they had been listened to throughout the design process. As this is a community-led project, it was great to speak to the people who live here and know the area best. It enabled us to take their feedback and we will be using that in the next stages of detailed planning to refine and improve on the work that has been done so far.

So what comes next?

We will be applying for planning permission and consulting the community on the detailed planning stages on the regeneration to make sure we get the best out of masterplan. This will of course take some time. We want to make sure we get it right. The date for your diaries is May 2019.

Don’t worry though, we will be keeping the website updated with all of the latest news so you can follow the project all the way through.

To check out the latest news click here.

As a reminder of who is involved, you can always have a look at some examples of work that have previously been completed by the SDTs project team.

II           Nash Partnership          II          Streets ReImagined        II        City Design Group        II