Congratulations super star Sam McLellan!

Super star Sam McLellan – UWE’s Undergraduate Intern of the Year!


Many of you will have very fond memories of our UWE Bristol Intern Sam McLellan who spent the very sunny summer of 2018 here at Southmead Development Trust supporting the Housing & Regeneration project. Sam, an Architecture and Planning student, was an instant hit at SDT and he showed passion and pride for Southmead throughout the crucial community consultation process, and went above and beyond to keep up with the ambitions of the project. He built friendships with many local residents, including Mike Murch of the BS10 Parks and Planning group.


In March we went along to a celebration event and awards ceremony at UWE as Sam had been nominated for Undergraduate Intern of the Year following is amazing work with us….and he won! It was a fantastic occasion and really great to see him. Below is a picture of Sam and Mike doing an interview following his win. When acknowledging the work Sam had done Mike said a few words to emphasise the impact he had:


“As Sam arrived, the project was still an ‘if’ it will happen. Now, it’s a matter of ‘when’.”


The people from UWE and the other organisations present at the event were very interested to hear more about our innovative community-led housing scheme that SDT is driving forward; it was a really proud moment for us and for Southmead.


SDT would like like to say a huge thank you to Sam, and to Quartet Community Foundation who facilitated Sam’s placement with us through a grant. Thank you!