Southmead Regeneration pre-reveal meeting

The Southmead Regeneration group (formerly AGRP) met last Friday to look at what ideas have been brought forward by the architects.

The issues and concerns that are being tackled with the designs are the results of all of the consultation done previously. Taking influence from designs done by the residents during the modelling workshops, three designs were produced.

The designs were up for discussion and following a presentation by the architects discussing the pros and cons of each design, the committee scored the designs on different criteria based on how well they addressed the issues.

Finally all the scores were tallied up and a winner was selected. This is the design the architects will now work on and look to improve on.


If you are interested to see what was chosen and what the future of Glencoyne and Arnside could look like, why not come on down to one of our showings on 7th Sept. 2pm – 4pm at St. Stephens Church or 8th Sept. 10am-12pm at Greenway Centre.


If this is the first you are hearing about it and want to see what has happened previously, find out here!