We're funding 20 new street trees in Southmead

Help us choose the planting spots!

Click here to see the planting options

How does this work?

We’re funding 20 new street trees in Southmead. The trees will be planted through Trees For Streets, a charity who have partnered with Bristol City Council to plant sponsored street trees across the city. The Council have chosen planting spots so that new trees don’t get in the way of infrastructure. They’ve also chosen the types of trees so they are the most suitable for each location.

We have 25 possible planting spots to choose from and we need your help to choose the top 20. These top 20 will be prioritised by Bristol City Council when it comes to planting season. The trees will be planted this winter 2023/24.

You can let me know your favourite planting spots by telling me the numbers on the map below which you prefer. You can email me on ellatainton@southmead.org or leave me a message on 0117 950 3335. The map can also be found on pages 12 and 13 of the October edition of The Mead. We have until Sunday 29th October to choose!

You can read the FAQs below for more info.