Your chance to feed back on the latest plans for Southmead Regeneration

The latest plans for Phase One of Southmead Regeneration are now available to see, which show the proposed designs for the new homes and community facilities on Glencoyne Square. This is your chance to see how community aspirations have shaped the plans, to feed back your thoughts and ask any questions.

You can explore a 3D view of latest designs by clicking the link below – when you click the link you will be transported to the top of Arnside Road, with Iceland and McColls behind you, looking up into the Square. Wander around the new square by moving your mouse, and clicking on the small tear-shaped icons to move around. You’ll find a new library, new health centre, new play space and a fresh design for a pedestrian-friendly Arnside Road, alongside the new affordable housing.

Explore the Emerging Designs for Glencoyne Square and Arnside Road


Come along to a pop up event over July to look at the plans in detail, take part in the consultation, and find out how this scheme is being managed and owned by the community of Southmead: