We’ve got your business ‘back’! Sign up for FREE enterprise support

We’re delighted to announce that Enterprise Support: North Bristol launches this week!
Please join us at our launch event on Thursday so we can share with you this fantastic new and free programme for self employed people, businesses and those with business ideas.
Launch event details:
10:30am to 1pm, with refreshments and lunch, at the Southmead Development Trust, Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, BS10 5PY.
Please register to attend the event here> www.bit.ly/NEBES
What’s on offer?
Working in partnership, YTKO and the Southmead Development Trust invite businesses and residents across North Bristol to meet inspiring business owners and speak to expert Business Advisors to gain invaluable help and advice for success.
Whether you need help to write your Business Plan, redirect your strategy, master marketing, explore social media and finance, access funding and more – North and East Bristol Enterprise Support can help you get the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed.
The North and East Bristol Enterprise Support programme is fully funded by Bristol City Council and West of England Combined Authority to offer completely free support for those looking to start a business or work as a freelancer, as well as existing businesses with up to 249 employees across North and East Bristol.
Once enrolled, you will gain immediate access to our award winning e-learning resources, live online workshops and the chance to book 1:1 sessions with expert Business Advisors – all for free!
With 24/7 access to e-learning and the option to attend workshops and advisory sessions as and when required, NEBES is completely tailored to you. This means you can plan your learning around existing work and personal life commitments.
Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston Councillor, Don Alexander, fully endorses the support available for North and East businesses, he says, “I’m quite taken aback at the quality of the support NEBES is offering. Whether you’re a business [of up to 249 employees] or someone just thinking about turning an idea or a hobby into a business, this opportunity is available to you. Most remarkably, it really is completely free!”. Don is actively encouraging businesses to attend this event for immediate access to support.
The launch agenda:
- 10:30am – Doors open, tea and coffee
- 11:00am – Welcome and overview of the support available
- 12:00am – Networking lunch with fellow businesses and 1:1s with Business Advisors
- Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Following a welcome from Southmead Development Trust and an overview of what’s available within NEBES, attendees will have the opportunity to meet fellow business owners and decision makers over lunch, talk to expert Business Advisors for immediate advice, and to book in follow-up sessions.
Zoe Tingle, Employment and Training Manager at Southmead Development Trust says, “We are focussed on supporting and empowering residents across North Bristol to achieve their goals, and are excited to partner with NEBES to provide budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to access specialist new business support and advice.”
NEBES Project Manager, Sarah Ives, says, “Providing face-to-face support to new and existing businesses as well as those with an idea for a business is as important as ever. Our launch event will be invaluable to bring residents and businesses together to discuss the support available to help them succeed. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about starting a business, charity, or self employment, and those running existing businesses, to join us and start receiving free support for success”.
If you would like to attend our event on Thursday 23rd September or speak to us about what to expect, get in touch on email: nebes@ytko.com, tel: 0800 917 9324 or visit us online at www.bit.ly/NEBES to register for free.
To enrol for North and East Bristol Enterprise Support ahead of the event, or if you are not able to attend but would like to access our business resources, visit www.westofengland.ytko.com/nebes
After our launch event at the Greenway Centre, we will be planning a series of events across North Bristol. Email us at nebes@ytko.com to be emailed about our upcoming business support dates.
We can’t wait to meet you on Thursday and to support you on your way to business success!