Vandalism at Southmead community buildings – Summer 2020

Over the past four months, since the lockdown, three of the most well-loved community buildings in Southmead have been subjected to an extreme amount of targeted and determined vandalism. The Greenway Centre has had over 30 windows smashed. The play structure at the Adventure Playground has been devastated and dismantled and equipment stolen. And most recently the Youth Centre has been broken into and significant damage was caused to the internal structure.

We are the proud custodian of all three sites. Our teams of workers and volunteers take responsibility of the extensive maintenance required of each building and we fundraise and deliver services, groups and events for the people living in Southmead to benefit from and enjoy. Our charitable aims and our values drive us to continue to represent, advocate and respond to the needs of the community.

As volunteers and workers our initial reaction to the vandalism has been anger, sadness and dismay. However, we know that the damage has been caused by a small group of people and this does not represent the caring, compassionate community of Southmead that we know well.

We take the vandalism and related crimes very seriously. We are working with the Police, Bristol City Council and other relevant agencies to respond strategically. We are taking advice regarding the security of the buildings and revisiting our policies and processes with the aim to reduce and prevent vandalism of our much loved sites.

Fundraising is more important than ever. The cost of repairing and restoring the buildings is currently estimated at £10,000. Your donations help us to rebuild these precious assets and by doing this we can continue to offer play sessions and youth work in the community. We need your help more than ever. All amounts make a difference. Please click donate now on the button below.