Southmead Building Strength!


‘Resilience’ – our residents have got bags of it!  We withstand difficult conditions and we bounce back after hardship.  We keep going.  We are tough but kind and we support each other.  There’s no place like Southmead!

But there’s always a ‘but’ – but what do we do when our community spaces start to fall apart, need renewal, need a bit of TLC?  BBC DIY SOS can’t fix all our community buildings!

So that’s why we’re pretty excited about a pot of £4,000,000 that Bristol City Council are offering: the Community Resilience Fund.

The fund is available to organisations based in and working in communities like ours – those deemed to be the most ‘deprived’ areas of the city.  If wealth was measured in community spirit we’d be rich, but it’s not, and so we’re on the list to be able to apply for some of this pot of four million.

The money is not for services or activities.  It could be for improving access for Disabled people, building work on a community building or creating new spaces within it, upgrading a community centre’s heating system to make it environmentally sustainable, upgrading IT systems or buying equipment.

So what do you think?  Which Southmead spaces need attention?  The Southmead Development Trust is here to support any group or organisation to bid for this money.

If you would like to make an application to this fund you can read all about it by clicking this link > Community Resilience Fund.  Then please contact our Community Development Lead here at the Trust, Lucille Smith.  Lucille can support you and help you with an application, so please do get in touch.