Qigong in Badock’s Wood


For Mental Health Awareness Week this week, Becky hosted her weekly Qigong class in Badock’s Wood, the nature reserve which connects to Greenway’s playing field.

It was a perfect setting for the class where we could enjoy the sounds of birds and the river. We had a range of weather, from hail to bright sunshine! The natural, green setting made for a mindful and grounding class which felt very appropriate for this week’s theme of connecting with nature. You can check out how lovely the sounds of the woods were in the video below!

Qigong is an ancient Chinese form of exercise which uses breath and movement to create a calm, natural balance of energy. It’s really helpful for improving mood and anxiety, increasing social connection, and bringing balance and relaxation.

Our Qigong class is every Tuesday at 12:00pm. You can find out more here.