Public Realm Improvements Continue – Bristol City Council


Below is an update from the team at Bristol City Council who are leading on the public realm improvements for Arnside Road.

Do you have questions about the public realm improvements? Please email


Communications and Engagement:

  • Updates sent to BS10 Parks and Planning.
  • Signboards up for the Arnside works and the SuDS Pods and posters in noticeboards
  • Update on the Southmead Regeneration website pages


BCC public realm works: The HIF funded public realm improvement works will be undertaken in four phases. These are:

Phase 1 – Greystoke Ave parking. Works completed.

Phase 2 – SuDS pods on the surrounding roads.

Phase 3 – Arnside public realm improvements.

Phase 4 – Greenspace improvements


Phase 1 – Greystoke Ave parking bays:  The parking bays are in open and in use. The topsoil mound is fenced off, and the soil will be used for the new planting beds on Arnside.


Phase 2 – Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) pods: 8 SuDS pods are being constructed to assist with flood relief in the area and downstream. These are in Wigton Cres, Lowther Road, Dunmail Road and Ravenglass Cres.

The Contractors welfare and compound on the road where works are taking place.  Roads are closed locally for each SuDs pod with access for residents only. The works have progressed well.  Some works were on hold due to the cold temperatures for the concrete work, but they are on programme:


Ravenglass Crescent – 2 pods – built

Wigton Crescent East side – 1 pod – built

Wigton Crescent  (Near 81) – 1 pod – built – concrete road to be reinstated

Wigton Crescent West side – 2 pods – built

Lowther Rd – 1 pod –  started 22nd Feb

Dunmail Road – 1 pod – starts 1st March


ETM have almost completed 6 SuDs pods, and the last two should be finished within the next two/three weeks. They will be planted up in May.

























Phase 3 – Arnside public realm: ETM started on 4th January 2021. Works are expected to last until October, with tree planting following on winter 2021/22.

  • ETM are working in phases, starting at Greystoke Ave traffic signals (by Tesco)
  • Footway works are almost completed on the south side of Greystoke Ave junction. Tarmac topcoat will be laid following installation of traffic signals.
  • Works have started on the west side of Arnside (by sculpture/green strip) and will start shortly on east side
  • The pedestrian crossing on Arnside Road is currently closed. The route to cross to/from Tescos is via the Trowbridge Road crossing.
  • Traffic signals work to start week of 15th March

Arnside Road will need to be closed to traffic during some of the contract period, with diversions in place, but for most of the contract a one-way loop system will operate.
























Detailed design of artwork benches:

  • The text for the southern ends of the benches agreed by the group at the last meeting has been given to the stone suppliers.
  • We have selected the text shown on the drawing for 7 of the 8 ‘circles’ within the stone bench seats and would like to get agreement on this.
  • For the final – eighth circle – We have had an email from Dave Prowse’s family confirming they like the idea of him featuring in the regeneration project. They would like it to show the many roles their Dad had and not just Darth Vader.  We have asked if they would like to have more involvement in the design of the artwork and are awaiting a response.
  • We propose to get an artist to work the agreed text etc up into a more graphic form.


Phase 4 –  Green space improvements

Due to Covid-19 we now plan to consult on this spring/ summer 2021 when restrictions should have eased. We are talking to SDT about the Bristol Future Parks project and Doncaster Road Park consultation. Green space improvements and planting works will take place winter 2021/22.