What IS Community Led Housing?
You may have heard that the regeneration of Glencoyne Square is led by Southmead Residents, not by private developers. It is a Community Led housing scheme. So, what does that actually mean?
Community Led Housing West have now produced a video to describe what exactly Community Led Housing is. It answers some of our common questions such as where else is it happening and why?
The video shows other examples of community led housing in and around Bristol, how the projects began and who they’re for – Southmead’s very own project on Glencoyne is featured throughout.
The video stars Southmead’s very own Mike Murch, Chair of the resident steering group behind the project, and also Hannah, our Regeneration project manager who you may have met at Southmead Festival or other community events.
Both talk about how our community has led the regeneration plans for Glencoyne Square, why this site was chosen and what the results will be. Southmead Development Trust are really proud of being involved in the project and how it’s now seen as a leading example of community led housing in Bristol, and the rest of the UK.
Please watch the video to learn more about community led housing and why we’re all really excited about the plans for Southmead!
Have you got questions about the plans for Glencoyne Square?
You can…
Email hannahwalker@southmead.org
Message the Regeneration Team at www.facebook.com/greenwaycentre