MPower’s First Meeting at Greenway

Event details > HERE
I don’t know about you but I feel like I was well prepared for puberty. They talked about it at school, we talked about it at home, it was in all the magazines. Even if you weren’t lucky enough to have helpful aunties who bought you books and told you can talk to them about anything, you could probably go to a nice teacher, or the school nurse or even Childline. And, of course, we could always compare notes with our mates.
The menopause is a much more mysterious transition. No one seems quite sure what’s happening, if it’s really happening, and if it will ever stop happening.
Until now! We had our first MPower meeting at Greenway on the 25th March. It was lovely to be able to share and moan and support each other. We are not alone, we are going through similar things and we want to talk about it. We have all done a bit of research and some of us have been to the doctor (having both good and bad experiences) but nothing beats comparing notes with your mates.
We are still figuring out exactly what we want. Do we want to get experts in? Do we want someone to talk to us about nutrition and exercise? Or do we just want a safe space to be with likeminded people who are having experiences like ours. Whatever you want please come along for a listening ear and a cup of tea.
Event details > HERE
– by Lucille, our Community Development Lead