Get Stuck in to Southmead!


One of the ways to do this is the Southmead Yearly Update I’m sending around.  It’s just a few questions to spark a conversation about what it’s like to live in The Mead, what’s on our minds, and what can we do together to make things better.  Answer the questions HERE.

As a result of last year’s responses there was more community action – more community groups were set up, with more of us engaging with them.  There were sessions to support with Energy, and also batch cooking, as many of us said we were most worried about Energy and food because of the Cost-of-Living crisis. Our new Death Café was proposed by a resident and has been happening regularly for a few months. Some of us are training to offer a Grief Café which will start in the Autumn, and more of us are volunteering in the community generally.

This year there is also the opportunity for us to have our say in the Climate Action Plan for Southmead.  This is a really exciting time because so many of us are concerned about world, country, and city climate issues and Southmead must be included in conversations to find fair solutions. (Read more about the Climate Action Plan HERE)

Maybe you came to chat in Conversation Corner at the Southmead Festival – we were giving out seeds; maybe you sowed some to grow the plants of tomorrow and ideas of the future! (See the Southmead Festival photo gallery HERE).

We’ll be recreating Conversation Corner on Arnside in August and September so do pop over and see us. We’ll also be knocking on doors on the same dates.

So, there’s no excuse to not get your two penn’orth in! Take this opportunity to say what your priorities are and what you would like to do about things.  Answer the questions HERE.

There’s a prize draw for anyone who answers the questions and leaves contact details.

Mr B (pictured below) won it last year, here’s a pic of him being given the prize of a £75 voucher for his chosen shop – congrats Mr B!

‘It could be you’ next time so remember to leave your details for a chance to win this year’s prize.

Everyone is invited for a cuppa and snacks at the Greenway Centre, on Wednesday 27th September 6-8pm, so we can share more info about what we do here at the Trust and have a catch up.  There’ll also be a clothes swap so do bring something if you’d like.

Whatever your situation, there’s always something to join in with in Southmead, so please keep in touch to receive news about the many events and opportunities available.

You can have news sent to your email inbox – sign up at the bottom of the home page at, Whatever you do, get stuck into Southmead, we’re here to support you.


tel: 0117 950 3335

Answer the Southmead Yearly Update Qs HERE.