Arnside public realm works are moving forward!

This week the regeneration team were speaking to traders on Arnside road. Following their input and help from the local community, the design team were able to draw up planned improvements for the public realm around Southmead’s shopping centre. It is a great feeling to be able to build on work inspired by the community feedback although we still need public information as we move through the more detailed process.

The traders have been asked for feedback on the plans that were presented to them so if you or someone you know is a trader on Arnside, make sure we hear from them to get the best possible results for the community.

So far some of the key features we are looking at are:

A more pedestrian friendly area

Wider pavements and better paving

Dedicated disabled parking

Dedicated loading bays

Cycle paths

and more street trees.

We hope to have spades in the ground to act on these changes in summer 2019!


In other news, we will be releasing the Southmead Masterplan Report to the public as we feel it has been a community effort. Everybody should be able to keep informed with our progress and plans for the whole journey to regenerating our neighbourhood.


More detail on Arnside will be available in the Southmead Masterplan Report,

This will be available here, next week.