Adam’s Story: An Inspirational Road to Recovery


By Emma Trevena

During my work with participants of our Going Home from Hospital service I get to meet some truly inspirational people.  I want to introduce you to *Adam who shares a fascinating insight into overcoming alcohol addiction.  His experience serves as a powerful reminder that developing local support networks and staying connected to support services can help us to overcome challenges.  It sends the message that we are not alone and can achieve great things by connecting to others, accepting support, and giving back to the community.  I met with Adam at our Greenway Centre to hear his story.  Adam told me:

It was a problem I had with drinking alcohol that I’d struggled with on and off for years. Unfortunately, I’d become dependent on alcohol to the point where I was advised that if I stopped drinking, it could be dangerous, and I could have seizures.

Through drinking, I lost my job and was getting to a stage where I couldn’t afford alcohol. So, I was stopping drinking against advice because I couldn’t afford it. I ended up in hospital a couple of times. I was taken in, sent home, and then I went into a seizure. The last time they actually kept me in.

The turning point was being in hospital and getting detoxed from alcohol. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but it brought me to a place where I didn’t need to drink to keep myself safe anymore. The support I got from the nurses and the alcohol team in the hospital was really helpful. It gave me a break from the constant worry about where I was going to get my next drink, and I could just focus on getting better. I was in hospital for nine days.

Before I went into the hospital, I had tried to get a community detox through DHI (Developing Health and Independence). I was put on a list for a community detox and recovery support, but there was about a six-week wait. Luckily, I ended up in the hospital before that happened, and they detoxed me there. The alcohol nurses put me in touch with the SMART group at the hospital. It’s a great group for me because it reminds me that if I’m not careful, I could end up back at stage one. I’ve been to the hospital multiple times to detox, and seeing others in the group really reinforces the need to stay on track. After I got out (of hospital), I got in touch with DHI again and started attending groups to help me maintain my recovery and stay away from drinking.

Every time I’ve had the determination to stop, but it’s a really hard thing to beat. Each time I relapsed, it got worse. This time, I’ve lost my driving licence, and I’m lucky to have a roof over my head. Things just steadily got worse, and I thought, ‘This has got to be rock bottom’. I knew it was time to rebuild my life.

After I left the hospital, Age UK helped me with getting benefits, which I had struggled to do before. They helped me get through that while I was in recovery. They also referred me to the Southmead Development Trust’s Community Link Worker who helped me transition after leaving the hospital. DHI referred me to the Bristol Bike Project, where I now volunteer. It’s something I enjoy and can see a future in. Richmond Fellowship is also helping me get ready to return to work and find paid employment.

One of my goals is to volunteer for DHI as a peer support worker, helping others who are going through the same thing I have. I’ve been in and out of hospital, and I know how valuable it is to have someone to talk to. I’m also looking forward to getting back into work and staying connected to recovery groups. Staying involved is important to me because it helps me stay on track.

It’s really important to stay connected to recovery. Being part of a group isn’t just about receiving help—it’s also about giving help. When you help others, it reinforces your own recovery and keeps you focused.

I am hugely grateful to Adam for allowing me to share his story to help others.  Since I spoke with Adam I am delighted to share that he has completed Level 1 and 2 qualifications in Cycle Mechanics and has started volunteering with Lifecycle.  Lifecycle are also funding him to complete Level 3 Cycle Mechanics course.

Adam was supported through our Going Home from Hospital service which takes referrals directly from hospital teams. However, if you are interested in improving your wellbeing, recovering from addiction or training in something new, our Greenway Learning and Wellbeing Service may be able to support you so please get in touch.

*Adam is not our participant’s real name