Applause for our Volunteers!


We want to make sure everyone who volunteers at The Ranch knows how much we value their help.

Our incredible volunteers make all the difference to whether we can keep our sessions open.

We employ a small team of staff to run our community youth and play services and they are brilliant.  Will Dorney is our Youth and Play Manager, Natalie Gibbs is our session Lead Play Worker, Lil Tolhurst is our session Play Worker – along with Deondre Hylton.  During the time of the filming our Youth and Play Manager was James Creed who is now working in South Bristol for Youth Moves.

Without volunteers to support our staff team we simply could not offer sessions.  Residents like Sheralyn Fowler, Andi Fowler, Trenna Blundell, and Holly Maurice make all the difference  – they get to know our young people and help to keep them safe.

Sheralyn grew up in Southmead and spent her time dashing to The Ranch after school, she said, “I spent every minute there and loved it.  As soon as I got home I would race straight over and not come home when I was supposed to!  It’s been a shame over the years to see the place decline, particularly during Covid.  But since the renovation we’ve got the right foundation to really make something of it, we just need more income and more help – I love volunteering with the kids, why not join me?”.

Thank you to all our regular volunteers and also a huge thanks to new volunteers who came along during the filming.  Tradespeople came from far and wide to give time, skills, labour and materials, as well as our local volunteers who gave support, muscle, and cups of tea!

A massive THANKS to all