Make No Bones About It!

Make no bones about it – our bones and joints are super important. They keep us moving, they help us balance and they protect our insides. By looking after them we can prevent injuries, manage pain and potentially stave off the onset of musculoskeletal conditions.
Luckily here at Greenway Gym & Fitness our experts can help you to protect your bones and joints in one of the best ways – with exercise! Mobility and flexibility exercises keep our bones strong and help our joints move more smoothly (a bit like adding oil to a creaky Tin Man!).
National Bone and Joint Week kicks off this Wednesday 12th October. We want to help bring awareness to musculoskeletal health and the challenges faced by people with conditions like arthritis, chronic joint pain and osteoporosis.
We’ll be offering personalised advice on the best exercises for you, including for before and after your workout. We also have classes perfectly suited to improve bones and joints. Yoga, Pilates and Ree Balance are all great classes to support bone and joint health.
You can find out more about these classes HERE. Make sure you have a chat with our team to get some guidance on exercises which are best for you. Get in touch on 0117 950 3335 or email