The Sewer Story: Progress on Southmead’s Glencoyne Square

While we begin to get Glencoyne Square ready for the proposed new plans to build community housing, the story of the last few months has been all about the sewer we’ve needed to divert, as well as diverting the traffic around Glencoyne amidst non-related, major community-wide traffic diversions by the Council – which left us all pretty frustrated! We’re so glad this bit is nearly finished.
Huge thanks to everyone for their patience, and especially to patients and staff at the Southmead Health Centre who have been particularly patient while some of the usual paths to the Centre have been affected.
Progress has now been made by fitting a new storm pipe and diverting the sewer. The original sewer section under Glencoyne would have been in the way of any new building foundations. There will be new manholes fitted, and then the road will be back in use by early February (hooray!) once the road has been re-laid. The old sewers will be filled in along with some work around the manholes at the top of Arnside. Lastly, for this job, the contractor will be tidying up and reseeding where the turf was removed.
We’ll keep you posted on any next steps, meanwhile do get in touch with the project team if you have any questions – email:, or tel: 0117 950 3335
If you’d like to read more about the proposals for Glencoyne click HERE.
If you haven’t visited Glencoyne recently, here’s a few pics of how it’s been temporarily looking . . .