Public Realm Improvements Continue – Bristol City Council
Below is an update from the team at Bristol City Council who are overseeing the public realm improvements on Arnside Road.
If you have any questions about these works, please email Lucy at
Bristol City Council public realm works: The HIF funded public realm improvement works are 4 phases:
Phase 1 – Greystoke Ave parking. Works completed and in use.
Phase 2 – SuDS pods on the surrounding roads.
Phase 3 – Arnside public realm improvements.
Phase 4 – Greenspace improvements
Phase 2 – Sustainable Drainage (SuDs) pods: The 3 pods in Wigton Cres have been planted by the BCC Parks team, and the other 5 will be planted up over the next week. The spring flowering bulbs will be planted in Autumn.

Phase 3 – Arnside public realm:
- Footway works are finished on the south side of Greystoke Ave junction, and the area has been opened up again. More bollards have been installed to stop people parking on the footway by Tesco. The junction resurfacing works are planned for the end of June. This will need a full road closure of Greystoke ave junction, but will be night works to minimise disruption to traffic. We will advise the exact date when we have it.
- Footway works have started in front of the shops on the eastern service road where a number of utility diversions have now been done. The granite kerbs are being installed, but delays in the arrival of the radius kerbs from the Portuguese suppliers are delaying the works. The delays are due to a worldwide post-Covid construction boom.
- The southern section of Arnside Road (between the Greystoke Ave signals and Aldi entrance) is still closed to traffic. We are still aiming to open this up again at the end of June, but this may be extended due to delays in the radius kerbs.
- We are discussing changing the works phasing plan with ETM so they can work on areas where the materials are currently available. The Phasing plan will be updated and shared with the businesses and community when it has been agreed.
- Stone bench artwork along Arnside. We have a shortlist of three artists/designers to provide quotes for the artwork designs of the 8 circles that will be set into the benches. We would like your views on the shortlist:
Nick Hand – Letterpress Collective
Ash Kayser (Bricks Creative Workforce)
Extra Strong (did the ‘Slim my waste recycling bins’)

Phase 4 – Green space improvements
Southmead Development Trust are carrying out the Bristol Future Parks survey about parks and greenspaces in Southmead. We will have more engagement about Doncaster Road Park when the school holidays begin and Covid-19 restrictions have eased. Green space improvements and planting works will take place winter 2021/22.