Perfect Parents Don’t Exist: Join us this Wednesday for Cuppas & Chat

There is no such thing as a perfect parent or carer, so just be a real one the experts say. We all need a little bit of help from time to time, and one of the things our children’s team is set up to do is to connect our family experts from across the City with our community to offer support.
The next session from Link Forward, our Children and Young People’s service, is in partnership with Families in Focus and designed to provide a space for discussion, a cuppa, sharing, and to ask questions of the professionals in the family field of work if you would like to.
You might be experiencing issues with boundaries or to manage challenging behaviour at the moment, and there are loads of us in the same boat, you will be in good company.
We would love to know if you are going to come, so do click the link and let us know HERE or via the QR code below.
But if you would prefer to see how you feel on the day, do just drop in, everyone is really welcome.
- Where: Greenway Centre, BS10
- When: Wednesday 29th January 9:30 – 11:30 AM
- For more info contact: Kate, email:, or call: 0117 950 3335