Our Community Development Team has Grown!

By: Lucille Smith, Community Development Lead, Southmead Development Trust.
I’m delighted to announce that two Community Development workers have started with us at Southmead Development Trust. They’re a very welcome addition to the team and together we’ll be able to work alongside more members of the community to set up groups, find out what’s important to residents, and continue to build on the network which exists in Southmead.
Sher has been a member of the community for a long time. You may know her as a volunteer at The Ranch or as one of our trustees. Rhona has been working in Southmead doing art workshops with young people and is really looking forward to getting to know Southmead better. You’ll be hearing more from them soon, both out and about and in The Mead. Please join me in giving them a warm welcome!
We have begun the Living in Southmead Yearly Update. This is a chance for us to catch up with residents and find out what people are involved in and want to take action on.
This year there is a focus on the Cost of Living Crisis as this will be something the community is concerned about.
There are different ways to take part. You can come and chat to us, fill out the form online or you can flip to page 11 of the current printed edition of The Mead and get started. We’ve also been door-knocking in Southmead to meet you on the doorstep – thank you to all those we have met so far.
Remember we are always growing our network of free groups in Community Corner and you can click here to find out more>What’s On at Greenway
Do get in touch with me if you’d like to find out more about what we’re doing in the Community Development Team. Tel: 07498 755 863, email: lucillesmith@southmead.org