Link Forward Launched By Our Social Prescribing Team

Link Forward Launched By Our Social Prescribing Team
Today is Social Prescribing Day 2021!
Southmead Development Trust has a strong team of Social Prescribing Link Workers who work across North Bristol. They support people to access groups and services which enable them to feel more in control of their health and wellbeing, and more connected to their community.
Here, our Children and Young People’s Link Worker, Jen, talks about the exciting new social prescribing service we’ve launched for children aged 7-12 years.
Schools are restarting and as many children make their way back into the classroom, there is both excitement and nerves. For all of us, regardless of our age this last year has been tough. Our normal rhythms of life have been removed and the things that anchor us, like friendships and relationships, are taking place virtually or taking a pause. It feels like we all need some help to guide us as lockdown eases and we work out how to reconnect in real life.
The return to school life will be, for many children and young people, a highly anxious time. Issues may have arisen during lockdown that now have come to the surface. Social Prescribing offers space and time to listen to what matters to you. We can link you to services and groups in your locality that helped you feel more yourself, and more connected in to your community.
Southmead Development Trust have been supporting adults through Social Prescribing for over 5 years across North Bristol. Excitingly, we have also recently launched a similar service, Link Forward, for children and young people.
Children who are 7-12 years old can access Link Forward through a GP referral. We are working with the following surgeries – Southmead and Henbury Family Practice, Pioneer Bradgate, Shirehampton and Pioneer Ridingleaze.
If appropriate, a Link Worker will work with that young person over a number of sessions. Using activities and a youth work style approach, we will explore what they want to connect with and how they can overcome any barriers.
As services are stretched and everyone is struggling to manage their own time, this provision gives young people time and support to enable them to become more resilient, healthy and independent young people.