Charge the Earth Summit at Greenway this Saturday 1st October


We are proud that our Greenway Centre has been chosen as the venue for the Charge the Earth summit, organised by Darren Jones MP, this Saturday 1st October, 10am – 4pm.  See the full programme> here

It’s going to be a family friendly event, jam-packed with all things designed to help us through the Energy Crisis – see Darren’s advert below.

Here at the Trust we’re concentrating on how we can support our residents at this time of crisis for both Energy and the Cost of Living.  We are asking residents what they need and for ideas about new groups and initiatives – read more info in ‘Sticking Together Southmead‘.

Please visit our Trust stall on Saturday to let us know your ideas and to find out what we already offer.  Meet Caitlin, one of our Social Prescribing Managers to hear about all our free groups and how you can get help.

We can’t wait to see you on Saturday.  There’ll be refreshments available and activities for children.

Charge the Earth Poster