Another Fantastic Greenway Fitness Fiesta: Thanks Everyone!


Another Fantastic Greenway Fitness Fiesta: Thanks Everyone!

By Joel Davies, Fitness & Wellbeing Manager

We love hosting our Greenway Fitness Fiestas and inviting everyone to a free day of fantastic exercise classes, fun, and refreshments.  A huge thanks to everyone who came to our third Fiesta on Saturday 18th January.  More than two hundred of you came through the doors to socialise, enjoy the refreshments, and, most importantly, to enthusiastically take part in our wonderful range of classes on offer.  Loads of you told us you had a great time, we had a fab time too.

Our Fitness Fiestas are a chance for members to get together, and for non-members to come and experience for themselves why more than a thousand people belong to Greenway Gym & Fitness.  It is part of a bigger health support picture for residents run by Southmead Development Trust; services such as Greenway Learning & Wellbeing offer one-to-one support, including one-to-one health coaching.

I work closely with my colleagues to connect Gym members with the other services we offer, and they refer participants to our Gym service where physical health sessions can help to improve other types of health and wellbeing such as confidence and mental health.

We pride ourselves on being one of the friendliest gyms in Bristol and many members tell us they choose to belong due to the kindness and support they experience here.  They often have amazing personal stories of recovery, and in turn, are keen to volunteer for services we offer to adults, as well as to children and young people, to help to support others who want to improve their wellbeing.

Look out for our next Greenway Fitness Fiesta in the Spring – we would love you to come and enjoy the day and to hear about ways you would like to be supported for your own fitness and wellbeing aims.  Meanwhile, for all info about Greenway Gym, Fitness Classes, and the work and services of Southmead Development Trust click HERE.