Singing Stars at our Greenway Centre

By Sher Fowler, Community Development Worker
I was having a chat with two ladies from the Creative Writing Group at the Greenway Centre, Pamela and Sue. It went something like this: “wouldn’t it be good to have a singing group? Not as serious as a choir just something fun”. So, I saw this as an opportunity.
It turned out Sarah, who is part of our walking group, Greenway Strollers, could play the ukulele. She was up for giving some of her spare time to a singalong. We arranged a meet up over a cuppa and two weeks later our fun singing group began.
The first week I was a little nervous and so were the participants. A few said they couldn’t sing a note at all. I told them this was a fun singing group and it really didn’t matter if you were in tune or not. We have a variety of participants – ages range from 26 to 87.
We’ve gone from just a few of us to about 20 people and we have lots of songs in our repertoire, we have recently added some Eurovision classics!
We had our first gig at the Trust’s Coronation Event at The Ranch, and everyone loved us. We have more gigs lined up, like the Later Life Fair in the next item, and of course we will be performing at the Southmead Festival.
We meet on a Thursday at 2pm in the Greenway Centre café. You get a free cuppa and a great time! Even if you don’t want to sing you are welcome to come and listen. Passersby often join in with an odd song or two. Everyone laughs and leaves with a smile on their face and in their hearts.