Win Tickets for the Southmead Peace Feast: Weds 13th Nov


One of the things that often comes up in conversation and in our community surveys is that people would like more cultural and food events. What could be better than an event that combines both?

A Peace Feast brings people together from different cultures around a meal.  Stories are shared and understanding and friendships grow. And we are having one in Southmead!

I am so excited that this is happening and even more excited to offer Southmead residents the chance to win some free tickets.

Ticket prices are £12 for adults, and £6 for children.  This includes a delicious meal of Afghan Chicken Curry with special rice (vegan option available).  Bristol-based Moroccan Artist Soufian Saihi will be our musician for the evening.

If you would like to win a free ticket please email or call me by 6 PM on Sunday 10th November, and I will draw names from a hat.  I will let winners know on Monday 11th.

To buy a ticket please scan the QR code in the advert below, or click HERE, to take you to events on the website of our partner Bridges for Communities.  Please do contact me if you have any questions or would like some more information about the evening.  I do hope you will join me.

email:, tel: 0117 950 3335